‘Malapropism’ is a compound word derived from three French words ‘ma! a propos’ which means something ‘out of place’. It is defined as ‘a ludicrous misuse of word, especially for one resembling it.’ This confusion between sets of words is characteristic of Mrs. Malaprop—an immortal creation of Sheridan, fit to occupy a prominent place in the portrait-gallery of comic characters in world-literature. Mrs.pro..J. monumental instance of Sheridan’s highly developed artificial ‘humour’ as illustrated in her instinct for ‘a nice derangement on epithets’. Yet she is not a mere stock-character as her very name implies but one instinct with life and vitality, which is a measure of the genius of Sheridan . As a satirical portrait , she stands for, (i) the type of the provincial woman of the age in her bid for turning out to be a town-lady by her unconscious and wrong use of high-sounding classical words; (ii) the type of the old aunt, jealous in her guard over her niece with her ante-diluv...
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