A TO Z Literary Principles from History of English Literature: Note 3

A Set of 26 Objective Questions & Answers

Thomas Hardy
Fess of the D’urbervilles (1891)
Henry James
The Golden Bowl(1904)
Joseph Conrad
Almayer’s Folly (1895)
Herbert George Wells
The History of Mr. Polly(1910)
George Bernard Shaw
Plays : pleasant and unpleasant (1898)
J. M. Synge
The playboy of the Western World  (1907)
W. B. Yeats
The Wandering of Oisin (1889)
The testament of Beauty(1929)
G M Hopkins
 The Wreck of the Deutschland (1875)

Oscar Wilde
The Picture of Dorian Gray(1891)
E M Forster
A passage to India(1924)
James Joyce
Virginia Woolf
Mrs. Dalloway(1925)
T S Eliot
Murder in the Cathedral(1935)
George Orwell
Animal Farm (1945)
W H Auden
 Poems (1930)

Dylan Thomas
Under Milk Wood(1954)

a. There are seven plays is Shaw's Pleasant and unpleasant.

b. Widower’s house, Mrs. Warrens Profession and The Philanderer and three unpleasant plays.

c. G H Hopkins discovered the terms intress and innscape.

d. Brave New World(1932) A novel by Aldous Huxley imagines a world without disease, without pain, without emotion and without spiritual life.

e. Paul Morel is a character from the novel Sons and Lovers by D H Lawrence.

f.  Louka and Raina are two female characters in shaw’s play Arms and the Man.

g. Philip Larkin is called movement poet.

h. Ramsden is a character from Shaw’s play Man and Superman.

i. John Galsworthy's Strife(1909) deals with the struggle between capital and labour.

j. Walter de la Mare published his Songs of Childhood under the pseudonym of Walter Ramal.

k. D H Lawrence deals with the mother son relationship in his novel Sons and Lovers(1913).

l. Y Y is the pseudonym of an essayist and literary critic named Robert Lynd.
m. A C Bradly published his book Shakespearean Tragedy in 1904.

n. Angry young man came into existence in 1950. Few of the members are John Braine, King Armis, Alan Sillitoe etc.

o. Joyee’s Ulysses in based on Homer’s Odyssey.

p. Tiresias is the central figure in The Waste Land.

q. Who is afraid of Virginia Woolf(1962) is a black comedy by Edward Albee.

r.  James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, J G Frazer and Rabindranath Tagore all died in the same year – 1941.

s. Waiting for Godot is written by Samuel Becket.

t.  Oscar Wilde was a representative of Aesthetic movement.

u. April is the cruelest month is the initial life of Eliot’s The Waste Land.

v. The Waste Land has five section.It was first published in the magazine The Criterion.

w. The Abbey theater was founded in 1904 in Ireland was begun by W B Yeats, Lady Gregory and J M Synge as directors.

x.  Galsworthy’s The Inn of Tranquility is a collection of Essays.

y.  Poetry make nothing happen ------------------ is a remark by Auden.

z. Though Hopkins belongs to the Victorian Age, he is modern in matters of Technique.


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