A TO Z Literary Principles from History of English Literature: Note 4

A Set of 26 Objective Questions & Answers
a. The heroine of The Tempest is Miranda.
b. The 16th century the English sonnet dealt primarily with the subject of love.
c.  Few immortal lines from Shakespeare’s plays:
To be or not to be that is the question – Hamlet
Nothing will come out of nothing – King Lear
Fair is foul and foul is fair – Macbeth
Brevity is the soul of nit – Hamlet
Life is but a walking shadow – Macbeth
Frailty thy name is woman – Hamlet
There are more things in heaven and earth – Hamlet
We are such stuff as dreams are made off – The Tempest
The rarer action is in virtue than in vengeance - The Tempest
All the world is a stage and all the men and women merely players – As you like It.
d. Everyman is the best of the morality play.
e. The Four P’s is an interlude by John Heywood.

f.  The first English tragedy was Gorboduc.
g. Thomas Kyd began the tradition of the Revenge play in English.
h. Shakespeare’s Hamlet derived many features from Kyd’s revenge play The Spanish tragedy.
i. All of Marlowe's plays are tragedies.
j. Shakespeare was educated at the grammar school at Staford.
k. Shakespeare wrote 37 plays.
l. Malvolio is a character from Twelfth Night.
m. An example of a mosque within a play is to be found in Shakespeare is Hamlet.
   n. Dryden’s The Conquest of Granada is a Heroic Tragedy.
   o. Sir Thomas Wyatt and Henry Howard, earl of Surrey, are credited with introducing the sonnet into England.

  p. Miracle plays were based on stories from the lives of saints.
 q. Dryden's All For Love is writer in imitation of Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopetra.
  r.  Ben Jonson’s plays belong to the traditions of the comedy of humors.
 s. The Shoemaker’s Holiday is a play by Dekker.
 t.  Edward II by Marlowe has homosexual king as its central figure.
u. The restoration took place in 1660.
v.  The year 1700 is important for the important for two events in the field of literature – one is the death of Dryden and the other is the publication of Congreve’s The Way of the World.
w. After the death of Chaucer, James I, Robert Henrysom, William Dunbar, Gavin Gauglas remained the Scottish followers of Chaucerians Poetry. They are called Scottish Chaucerians.
x. Occleve, Lydgate and Skelton were the only English poets writing in imitation of Chaucer. They are called English Chaucerians.
y.  Sidney's Defence of Poesie is known in a slightly different version as An Apologie for Poetrie that described the nature of poetry and defended it against Puritan orthodoxy to imaginative literature.
z.  William Shakespeare was born at Stafford on Avon. He is thus called ‘Band of Avon’.


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