How to Define A Poem?

“Its(Poetry) characteristic peculiarity lies in the power with which it subjects to the mind and to its ideas the sensuous element from which music and painting in their degree began to liberate art.” 
G. W. F. Hegel (Lectures on Aesthetics)

Unlocking the Essence of Poetry: A Guide to Defining the Poetic Art


Poetry, with its profound ability to encapsulate emotions and ideas in a concise and expressive manner, has been a source of inspiration and contemplation for centuries. Yet, defining what constitutes a poem is a task that requires careful exploration. In this article, we plunge into the essence of poetry, highlighting its key characteristics and providing insight into how one can define this beautiful art form.

Poetry is the form of literature, spoken or written, that emphasizes rhythm, other intricate patterns of sound and imagery, and the many possible ways that words can suggest meaning. Thus, before anything else, read the poem two or three times. Then try to grasp its meaning - what is the theme, what is the tone, what is the poet trying to say here? By studying the structure and language of the poem, you will gain an insight into the poem's meaning. The more times you read the poem, the more you will understand the meaning of the poem.

Expressive Language:

At its core, a poem employs language that is rich in imagery, metaphor, and symbolism. Poets craft their verses with words carefully chosen to evoke emotions, provoke thoughts, and create vivid mental landscapes. This distinctive use of language allows poetry to transcend ordinary prose and capture the essence of human experiences.

When studying the Language of a poem, there are certain elements to look out for:
 What is the poem's tone (sad, happy, reflective, morose, philosophical, etc.)
 Is there a musical quality to the poem, does it rhyme, does it follow a particular rhythm or is the rhythm fragmented?
 Does the poet use writing techniques to enhance the language, e.g., alliteration (the repetition of consonants) and assonance (the repetition of vowels).
 What imagery does the poem use and how does it shape your meaning of the poem.
 Does the poet use symbolism to illustrate his/her views and is it effective.
 These are the essence of a poem, and it is important you're aware of key words and expressions and how they form your understanding and appreciation of the poem.
Grammar and punctuation:
 Poets differ in how they express themselves. Sometimes words are not enough in themselves and poets might use unorthodox grammar or different punctuation to get their points across. Be aware of this.
 Read the poem a couple of times over, listening to the sounds. Depending on the sound, a poem can be sensual, or sad, or maybe angry, or happy. See what emotions the poem has on you through listening to it.

Rhythmic Patterns:

Though integrated to language, another defining feature of poetry is its inherent musicality. Poets utilize various rhythmic patterns, such as meter, rhyme, and repetition, to create a captivating flow and cadence within their work. These patterns contribute to the melodic quality of poetry, enhancing its auditory appeal and making it a pleasure to read aloud.

Conciseness and Precision:

Poetry embraces brevity and conciseness, often conveying profound ideas in a condensed form. Poets carefully select their words, aiming for precision and economy of language. The challenge lies in expressing complex emotions and concepts within a limited space, resulting in a condensed yet impactful artistic expression.

Emotional and Intellectual Impact:

Poetry has the power to elicit strong emotional responses and engage the intellect simultaneously. It can evoke joy, sadness, love, anger, or contemplation with a few well-crafted lines. The ability of poetry to tap into the depths of human emotions and challenge conventional thinking is what sets it apart as a unique form of artistic expression.

Freedom of Form:

While certain poetic forms, such as sonnets or haikus, have established structures, poetry itself is not limited by rigid rules. Poets have the freedom to experiment with form, structure, and style, allowing for a diverse range of poetic expressions. This freedom enables poets to push boundaries, challenge conventions, and innovate within the realm of poetry. The contemporary modern poetry has seen much applications of these forms and henseforth multifeceted.

Search of Meaning:

Having said that, contemporary poetry is sometimes difficult to interpret, it can often have several meanings, or its meaning can be unequivocal. Sometimes, the poet doesn't want it to have any particular meaning, preferring instead the reader takes his/her own interpretation. You are advised to be as open and non-judgmental as possible when answering the unseen poetry question.

The poet communicates thoughts, emotions and ideas to the reader through a particular choice of words and structure. The objective of the poem can differ. Sometimes the poem might challenge readers' perceptions of how they view things, and help them see things in a different light. For some people, poetry is highly personal, and they engage with poems on a subjective level. In this way, you can learn a lot about life and understanding life through poetry.

To help you gain a deeper understanding of what the meaning or content of a poem, try examining the following:

Poetic Ideas

  • State what you believe to be the main idea or ideas of the poem, approaching it stanza by stanza.
  • Note the key words or phrases repeated throughout the poem.
  • Think about why the stanzas/lines are structured in a particular way.
  • Explore the relationships throughout the poem.
  • See if there are any recurring themes in the poem, and elicit what the poet is trying to say by writing about these.

Author's Persona

  • Who is the speaker in the poem? Is it the poet, or is it the poet taking on another voice?
  • Who is the poet speaking to? Is it him/herself, is it a particular person, or is it the reader?
  • What can we tell about the poet from studying the poem.


Defining a poem is an intricate task due to its fluidity and versatility. It encompasses expressive language, rhythmic patterns, conciseness, emotional impact, and freedom of form. Poetry is a unique art form that transcends boundaries, weaving words into a tapestry of emotions, thoughts, and ideas. By embracing the essence of poetry, both readers and aspiring poets can deepen their appreciation and understanding of this beautiful form of human expression.


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