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"Ivanhoe" by SIR WALTER SCOTT: The Twelfth Century Fascinating Struggle Between the Normans and the Saxons

The Norman-Saxon Conflict Unveiled: The Epic Battle of Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott in the Twelfth Century


The twelfth century fascinating struggle between the Normans and the Saxons is depicted in Scott’s Ivanhoe (Published 1819). It is one of the best of Scott’s Waverley novels. "This historical novels," says Carlyle, "has taught all men this truth, which looks like a truism, and yet was as good as unknown to writers of history and others till so taught: that the by-gone ages of the world were actually filled by living men, not protocols, state papers, controversies, and abstractions of men.” Here is history made alive and simply, Scott had changed people's very awareness of history.

Reading Ivanhoe: Exploring the Twelfth Century Conflict Between Normans and Saxons

The year of King Richard I's (also known as Richard the Lion-Hearted) return to England from the Third Crusade, precisely in 1194, this was undertaken to rescue the Holy Land from the Turkish sultan, Saladin. Certain historical elements make Ivanhoe very valuable for worth reading. These are the feudal system, as introduced into England by the Normans; national strife between Norman and Saxon in England, the picturesque Midlands and North country of England, specifically the counties of Leicestershire; Nottinghamshire; the Jew and his relation to society; Robin Hood and his outlaws; the mediaeval conception of chivalry, the Crusades; the typical English jester, as seen in Wamba. 

Scott's Approach at History


Scott, in his unique style, claimed the freedom to shape the material according to his vision. While history served as a backdrop, the focus of Ivanhoe was on the complexities of human nature. Scott skillfully weaves together the elements of the story, altering the plot as it progresses, with the aim of subjecting the past to the scrutiny of modern society. His intention was not to glorify history, but rather to present it for examination, shedding light on the deep thoughts, fierce actions, and desperate sacrifices of our ancestors, who often remained ignorant of each other's prejudices.Scott claimed the right of handling his material to suit himself. History he made incidental; the essential part was the play of human nature and the drawing of historic background. He tried, as Palgrave says,” to make beautiful the unholy tales which deserved the curse rather than the blessing of humanity.” Scott cared little for well-constructed plot. He felt at liberty to change his plot as the story progressed. Scott's aim was not to glorify the past but to hold it up for the scrutiny of modern society. According to his own statements, he hoped to recreate scenes in which 'our ancestors thought deeply, acted fiercely, and died ignorance of each other's prejudices.' 

The Opening Chapters: A Wealth of Information

Scott adeptly packs a wealth of informative material into the opening chapters, laying the groundwork for a thorough understanding of the historical context. So, Scott packed much of his informational material necessary to a real understanding of the situation in the opening chapters.He introduces the readers to the diverse elements necessary to comprehend the situation, setting the stage for the unfolding narrative. This deliberate arrangement of information allows readers to delve into the story with a solid grasp of the underlying dynamics at play.

Character-grouping:  the Dramatic Viewpoint

Image Courtesy: withfriendship
👉  Athelstane, betrothed to Rowena, is a good friend of Cedric's. His main character trait is his love of food and drink. Sure, when Athelstane gets caught up in a battle, he'll put up a good fight (as in the Battle at Torquilstone, where he fights against the Normans who have taken him captive along with Rowena and Cedric), but he's mostly lazy and greedy. He doesn't seem like the kind of guy you'd pick to lead a revolution against the Normans.
👉  Rowena herself is something of a mystery. She is Ivanhoe's love interest, and Athelstane's temporary fiancée. She is fair and beautiful. She is a descendant of that great Anglo-Saxon king, Alfred the Great.

     👉  Wilfred of Ivanhoe, "the disinherited knight," son of Cedric, is the hero He's a knight from a Saxon family recently returned from the Crusades in the Middle East.

👉   Wamba the jester
 👉  Gurth the swineherd
👉     Ulrica; the Jews
👉     Rebecca, who aided "the disinherited knight," by nursing him, is the daughter of Isaac of York. She is beautiful, "endowed with knowledge”, generous and religious.
👉   Alan-a-dale, Friar Tuck, the Merrie Men
👉   Locksley (Robin Hood), who saved the captives in Front-de-Bceuf's castle
👉    the Normans
👉   Prince John, who had usurped the throne, Richard, called" the Black Sluggard," De Bracy, in love with Rowena, the Templar,
👉    Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert, in love with Rebecca, is actually kind of unusual as a villain in a popular novel but truly he is the main villain of Ivanhoe.
👉    Front-de-Bceuf
👉   Waldemar Fitzurse, the Grand Master of the Preceptory, who tried Rebecca for sorcery
👉     Prior Aymer.

Progression of Plot:

A series of crisis is well brought out by such scenes as:
The discussion of conditions by Gurth and Wamba---Dinner in Cedric's house, when Rowena champions Ivanhoe---The tournament-The unmasking of Ivanhoe---Cedric's toast to Richard at the castle of Ashby-Rebecca's repulse of the Templar---Rebecca's account of the siege to the wounded Ivanhoe---Death of Ulrica in the flames---The freeing of Gurth---The trial of Rebecca---The combat: the coming of Ivanhoe; and the death of the Templar---The reappearance of Athelstane.


Reading Ivanhoe takes us on a captivating journey through the twelfth century, immersing us in the fascinating struggle between the Normans and Saxons. Scott's masterful blend of historical elements, along with his unique approach to storytelling, offers readers a rich tapestry of feudal systems, societal conflicts, picturesque landscapes, intriguing characters, and profound themes. By exploring the past through Ivanhoe, we gain a deeper understanding of human nature and the complexities of historical contexts.

Important Topic for Discussion:

  1. The conflict between the Normans and the Saxons
  2. The three major settings of the novel: Ashby, Torquilstone, and Templestowe.
  3. Historical King Richard and Prince John, in constructing Scott’s fictional work
  4. Contrast Ivanhoe with Brian de Bois-Guilbert
  5. Ivanhoe’s two heroines: Rowena and Rebecca
  6. The feudal system and the code of chivalry

Ivanhoe : Sir Walter Scott : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive. (n.d.). Internet Archive.

The Norton anthology of English literature : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive. (n.d.). Internet Archive.

How to study English literature; : Knowlson, T. Sharper (Thomas Sharper), 1867-1947 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive. (n.d.). Internet Archive.

The Literature Of The Victorian Era : Hugh Walker : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive. (n.d.). Internet Archive.


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