"A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" By James Joyce: Model Test

F.M-50                                                  Fiction                                             TIME- 2hr.

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
By James Joyce

1. Answer any Two:-   10*2= 20

 a. Briefly analyze the three main principles of the theory of aesthetics put together by Stephen in A portrait…….? What is known as Thomism?

 b. Define the role of epiphany in A Portrait. Does the epiphany add any special                              meaning in under standings Stephen’s Personality?

c. What are the positive and negative aspects of Stephen Dedalus’ character?

d. . In the beginning of the book, Stephen, wrongly punished by Father Dolan, overcomes his fear to speak with the rector of Clongowes, Father Conmee. What does he learn as a result of this episode? How does his encounter with these two men influence him later in life? 
2. Write Critical note (any Two):- 6*2= 12

  1. His eyes were dimmed with tears and looking humbly upto heaven, he wept for the income he had lost – comment.
  2. A traitor; an adulterer! The priests were right to abandon him – comment.
  3. Define the bird image in A Portrait…
      d. By the end of the novel, Stephen has resolved to leave Ireland.

3. Fictional term (any four) :- 3*4=12

Bildungsoman, Point of view, Aesthetic Autobiography, Stream of consciousness, Symbolism, villanelle,
4. Short questions (any six) :- 1*6=6

  1. Who the Aubrey Mills is? How is he remembered by Stephen.
  2. Who called Stephen as ‘a lazy idle little toaler’? Why?
  3. Who were involved in the Christmas Dinner dispute and for what reason?
  4. Give two instance of the school boy slang used by Joyce?    
  5. Who are Eileen, Mercedes, E.C?   
  6.  Joyce’s fictional autobiography is episodic in nature: What is the effect of this method of structuring the story?
  7. Where is Clongowes School?
  8. How would you describe Stephen’s relationship with his family?        Ardhendu De  


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