The Epilogue to "Saint Joan" by George Bernard Shaw: St. Joan's Triumph Over the Forces of Death and Glory of Canonization

British playwright George Bernard Shaw was 
awarded the 1925 Nobel Prize for the play, Saint Joan.

The Epilogue to Saint Joan is a real attempt to show Joan's tragedy in the ultimate light of divine comedy"-Nicholas Greene

Epilogue: St. Joan's Triumph Over the Forces of Death and the Glory of Canonization

Comic Overtones: Unveiling the Rejection of Moral Genius in George Bernard Shaw's Saint Joan

Despite of the criticism as anticlimactic, being comic in tone adversely in the tragic piece, the Epilogue to George Bernard Shaw's Saint Joan mends a through understanding. St. Joan in the play is independent, courageous and Zealous. Read More George Bernard Shaw Yet she had to die because as a protestant she threatened the authority of the church, and as a nationalistic she imperiled the power of feudal lords. This theme of the rejection of the moral genius by the conservative elements of society is recapitulated and generalized in epilogue through comic overtone.

In the realm of history, there are few figures as captivating as Joan of Arc, the Maid of Orléans. Her unwavering faith, indomitable spirit, and remarkable bravery propelled her from an ordinary peasant girl to a legendary symbol of courage and conviction. And though she met a tragic end at the hands of her enemies, her story did not conclude with her execution. No, the tale of St. Joan is one of triumph over the forces of death and the ultimate glory of canonization.

Resurrected Triumph: St. Joan's Confrontation with the Powerful and the Unyielding Forces of Change

Truly, the Epilogue dramatizes St. Joan's triumph over the forces of death and her glory of canonization. Twenty - five years after her death, on the occasion of her rehabilitation by the church in 1456, Joan meets again the men who were involved in her career. When a messenger from the pope appears to announce the canonization of Joan, all, from Cauchon to King Charles, fall to their knees in adoration of the new saint. Read More George Bernard Shaw Yet when Joan acknowledges their praise by asking if she should return from the dead, a living woman, each -except for a common soldier - again rejects her, humbly this time and disappears. Shaw's message is clear: those who rule society are never ready to accept the moral genius who would change society, even though that genius be a saint.

The Hilarious Misadventures of the Puppet King and the Unrecognized Saint

Shaw calls the epilogue a comedy of the attempts of posterity to make amends'. The comedy underlying in the pseudo nationalism, ecclesiastical malpractices and self interested sections, Shaw keeps them all in strict artistic control in previous scenes. But in the epilogue Shaw bursts forth in its hilariousness. The Dauphin is still a fool as ever. He is love persist here for Agnes Sorrel, a beautiful maid. But sorry to say, He has never dreamed of Joan before. He still does not recognize the saint. He claims that he is now manly and leads war from the front. Joan here exclaims, “No! Did I make a man of thereafter all, Charlie?” Read More George Bernard Shaw The puppet king further reaffirm his foolishness as he tells Cauchon, "You people with your heads in the sky spend all your heads in the sky spend all your time trying to turn the world upside down; but I take the world as it is, and say that top side - up ------what king of France has done better, or been a better fellow in his little way?

The newcomer, twentieth century cleric then solemnly declares Joan's sainthood; little suspecting the woman standing near him is Joan herself. The comedy reaches the highest pitch when Joan asks, "Shall I rise from the dead, and come back to you a living woman? --------Must I burn again? Are none of you ready to receive me? All of them whiles away as bubbles. As darkness envelops in the heavenly night Joan implores, ' O God that madest this beautiful earth, When will it be ready to receive they saint? How long, O lord no long?

The Eternal Triumph of St. Joan: A Sublime Isolation and the Unyielding March of Her Ideals

The Epilogue to the play is no doubt the reenactment of sad lot of Joan in the hostile earth. The part of comedy is her advent in heaven again tragically ends with the desertion by all the peers and comrades. The isolation of Joan is pathetic and in the drama it as a recurrent motif. Joan bemoans mankind's failure to recognize its saints. Christ - like Joan is shill a suffering lot. Yet, in the epilogue underneath she is in truth victorious, not only because she helped in the liberation of France, but also because the ideas which centered in her are still marching on through the centuries. Read More George Bernard Shaw Thus Charles admits that the judgment on her is broken, annihilated, annulled: null, non existent, without value or effect. Further, Dunois grieves " Half an hour to burn you, dear saint: and four centuries to find out the truth about you!” Though her ability to probe deep into the problems and to formulate independent ethical value causes her to be alienated from conventional society, She is still the  same and her sword shall conquer yet.

Sublime Ascendancy: The Canonization of Joan of Arc

As the flames consumed her earthly body, they failed to extinguish the fire of her legacy. Joan's remarkable deeds and her unwavering belief in her divine mission reverberated throughout the centuries, inspiring countless hearts and minds. The memory of her sacrifice and her unwavering faith became a beacon of hope and a testament to the strength of the human spirit. In the years that followed her death, the truth about Joan began to emerge from the ashes of her martyrdom. Her trial, which was once seen as a condemnation of heresy, was gradually recognized as a profound injustice. The voices of reason and justice prevailed, and the Church, acknowledging its error, sought to rectify the wrong done to this remarkable young woman.

In a remarkable turn of events, the Catholic Church initiated the process of canonization for Joan of Arc. The testimonies of witnesses, the examination of her life and deeds, and the careful study of her spiritual devotion all pointed to one undeniable truth: Joan was a saint. Her unwavering faith in God, her selfless dedication to her country, and her profound sense of justice made her a model of virtue for generations to come. And so, on a glorious day, in the presence of the faithful and the clergy, Joan of Arc was canonized as a saint. The bells of cathedrals rang out in celebration, and people from all walks of life flocked to honor her memory. Her feast day was established, and pilgrims traveled from far and wide to pay homage to the Maid of Orléans.

The Enduring Legacy of St. Joan: A Beacon of Hope, Empowerment, and Unyielding Spirit

But St. Joan's influence extended far beyond the boundaries of the Church. Her story became a symbol of resilience and empowerment for women around the world. She shattered the limitations imposed on her gender and proved that bravery and leadership knew no bounds. Joan of Arc became an inspiration for countless women who sought to defy societal expectations and pursue their dreams with unwavering determination. In the realm of history and legend, Joan's triumph over the forces of death is a testament to the power of the human spirit and the enduring nature of faith. She stands as a beacon of hope, reminding us that even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds, we can find strength, courage, and the will to overcome. St. Joan's canonization immortalized her as a symbol of divine grace and human fortitude, forever etching her name in the annals of history.

Conclusion: Epilogue Unveiled: Shaw's Artistic Triumph in Joan's Infinite Cry

In Conclusion, we must admit that Shaw in his epilogue draws upon his imagination and his inventive powers par excellence. The scene is in some respect best in the play as Shaw gets free from the confining framework of faith and becomes a genuine creator. Shaw is here better planned to end the drama with the artistry of delineating Joan's infinite cry of isolation. The play is well rounded off with the memorable closing lines spoken by the ghost of Joan. Shaw is also innovative in structuring epilogue as it is no ordinary solo speech uttered by any character; rather, it involves more characters and farce, satire, irony and pathos intermingle in every twists and turns.


1. Saint Joan : George Bernard Shaw : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive. (n.d.). Internet Archive.

2. Saint Joan. (n.d.). Saint Joan.

3. A short history of English literature : Saintsbury, George, 1845-1933 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive. (n.d.). Internet Archive.


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