How Can We Evaluate a Text Without Being Prejudiced? Approaches to Deconstruction

"Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen."
Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)
German-born U.S. physicist.

Throughout history, readers have grappled with the complexities and limitations of understanding the meaning of written words. From Thucydides to Enlightenment and Romantic scholars such as Edward Gibbon and Leopold von Ranke, there has been a fundamental distinction between objective knowledge and poetic reinvention, between actual meaning and meaningful actuality. And yet, despite this, there remains a conundrum: prejudice.

Prejudice is a natural tendency that affects our perceptions, thoughts, and judgments. It's challenging to separate ourselves from our biases, which can significantly influence how we interpret and evaluate a text. However, it's essential to be aware of our prejudices and strive to overcome them to make a fair evaluation of a text.

As a reader, we have faced this conundrum countless times. Despite our best efforts, we know that our biases can cloud our judgment and prevent us from seeing a text's true meaning. However, we a student of literature are committed to overcoming our prejudices and approaching every text with an open mind.

Ultimately, the challenge of understanding the true meaning of a text is what makes reading such a rewarding experience. By engaging with the complexities of a text and striving to overcome our prejudices, we can gain a deeper appreciation of the world around us and the many different perspectives that shape our understanding of it.

To start with, let's define what we mean by a text. A text can be anything from a literary work to a news article or a scientific paper. It is a form of communication that conveys a message or an idea. Evaluating a text involves analyzing its content, structure, language, and overall message. It requires critical thinking, and an unbiased approach to arrive at an objective assessment.

But can we ever be completely free of our prejudices when evaluating a text? The answer is no. Our biases are ingrained in us, and we are often unaware of them. For example, our upbringing, education, cultural background, and personal experiences can all shape our perceptions and influence our judgments. As a result, we may interpret a text differently from others, based on our biases.

However, being aware of our prejudices is the first step towards overcoming them. By acknowledging our biases, we can take steps to mitigate their impact on our evaluation of a text. We can make an effort to look at things from different perspectives, consider different interpretations, and challenge our own assumptions. This approach can help us arrive at a more objective and nuanced evaluation of a text.

As students, it is essential to cultivate critical thinking skills and be aware of our biases when evaluating a text. We should question our assumptions and biases, and strive to look at things objectively. This approach can help us develop a more comprehensive understanding of a text and its message. It can also prepare us for the complexities of the real world, where we will encounter diverse perspectives and opinions.

Again as we approach to meaning of a text, it is to be remembered that meaning can be multifaceted and multilayered. in this approaches, Derrida's ideas about reading through deconstruction have always fascinated us. According to him, the traditional, or metaphysical, way of reading is flawed because it makes a number of false assumptions about the nature of texts. For instance, traditional readers believe that language can express ideas without changing them, that writing is secondary to speech in the hierarchy of language, and that the author of a text is the sole source of its meaning. But Derrida's deconstructive approach to reading challenges these assumptions and questions the idea that a text has an unchanging, unified meaning. Rather than accepting the author's intended meaning as the only possible interpretation, we are inspired to explore the multiple layers of meaning that a text can contain. Derrida's work reminds us that reading is not a passive activity but an active engagement with a text, one that requires an open mind and a willingness to consider different perspectives. Ultimately, Derrida's approach to reading has expanded my understanding of what it means to be a reader and has enriched my experience of literature.

Evaluating a text without prejudice is challenging but not impossible. First of all we have to clear our stand and have to self-taught ourselves about our limitations. It requires awareness of our biases and a willingness to overcome them. As students, we should strive to develop critical thinking skills and an objective approach to evaluating texts. By doing so, we can become better learners, thinkers, and citizens who can appreciate and respect diverse perspectives. We all can search for a meaning but end in meeting several of meanings.


1. Ankersmit, Frank, and Kellner, Hans, eds. A New Philosophy of History. London: Reaktion Books, 1995. Collection of papers advocating poststructuralist approaches to the problem of historical knowledge.
2. The Basics: What does without prejudice mean and when do I need to use it? (n.d.). Gowling WLG.


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