Self-Help and Designing Your Career in English Literature: A Critical Exploration


As a student of English literature, you may wonder about the career options available to you. The world is changing, and so are the career opportunities. In the post -AI environment the job market is rapidly changing. And in the changed atmosphere, Self-help is becoming a key component of designing one's career in the current job market. In this essay, I have tried to evaluate the concept of self-help and how it can be used to design a successful career in English literature.

What is Self-Help?

The term Self-help is originated from ancient Egypt and evolved considerably through history. It is  economical, intellectual, or emotional self reliance. Herbert Hoover who authored "American Individualism" in 1922 believed in individualism and self-reliance. As more and more Americans lost jobs and faced hunger during "Great Depression" , Hoover asserted that “mutual self-help through voluntary giving” was the way to meet people’s needs. Most recently Dr. Mehmud Yunus, Professor of Economics in Chitgaon University of Bangladesh initiated the Self-help in groups. Simply, Self-help refers to the practice of taking responsibility for one's own personal and professional development. It involves setting goals, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and taking actions to achieve success. Self-help can take many forms, including reading books, attending workshops, seeking mentorship, and networking.

Self-Help in English Literature 

Self-help is especially relevant in the field of English literature, where traditional career paths such as teaching and writing are becoming more competitive. The competition is now extended to AI and many are loosing jobs. To succeed in this field, one needs to be proactive in designing their own career path. Self-help can help English literature students develop skills in writing, critical thinking, and research, which are essential for success in any career related to this field.

Designing Your Career in English Literature

Like other professional approaches, designing a career in English literature requires self-reflection, goal-setting, and strategic planning. The following are some steps you can take to design your own career in this field:

Identify your strengths and weaknesses 

The first step in designing your career in English literature is to identify your strengths and weaknesses. There are three major skilled approaches: reading , writing and speaking. Now in what category you are best? This can be done through self-reflection, feedback from others, and assessments such as personality tests.

Set goals

Once you have identified your strengths and weaknesses, you can set career goals that align with your strengths and interests. These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). This is a great management skill. 

Develop skills

To achieve your career goals, you need to develop the skills required for success in the field of English literature particularly the segments you have chosen for your goal. These may include writing, critical thinking, research, and communication skills. You can develop these skills through reading, attending workshops, seeking mentorship, and taking courses.


Networking is an essential component of career development in any field. Networking starts with making friends. Attend conferences, join professional organizations, and connect with other professionals in the field of English literature to learn about job opportunities and stay up-to-date with industry trends.

Seek mentorship

Finding a mentor, teacher or tutor can help you gain valuable insights into the field of English literature and provide guidance as you navigate your career path. Look for mentors who have experience in your area of interest and are willing to share their knowledge and expertise. Don't spoil your valuable time by wrong selections of mentor teachers. As students vary emotionally, the teachers are differently capable. Just make a critical choice.  


In conclusion, self-help is becoming increasingly important in designing a successful career in English literature. By taking responsibility for your own personal and professional development, setting goals, developing skills, networking, and seeking mentorship, you can design a career path that aligns with your strengths and interests. Remember, designing your career is an ongoing process, and it requires persistence, dedication, and a willingness to learn and adapt to changing circumstances. And don't forget to mail or WhatsApp me if you find me as mentor or need any kind of assistance. 

Ardhendu De


1. Contributor, G. (2013, November 29). A Short History of Self-Help, The World’s Bestselling Genre - Publishing Perspectives. A Short History of Self-Help, the World’s Bestselling Genre - Publishing Perspectives.

2. Donnelly, W. P. (1933). Herbert Hoover and American Individualism. Thought, 8(3), 520–523.

3. Boogaard, K. (2021, December 26). How to write SMART goals (with examples). Work Life by Atlassian.


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