My battle with Chat GPT AI as a writer: is it a rival to me?


As a teacher cum writer, I never thought I would have a rival in the form of an AI language model. After 20 odd years of professional writing, here I am, locked in a battle with Chat GPT, a creation of OpenAI based on the GPT-3.5 architecture. It's a battle that has left me questioning my abilities as a writer, and whether I can keep up with this new technology.

The Surprise

At first, I was in awe of Chat GPT. It can write coherent paragraphs and generate responses that are almost human-like. Its vocabulary is extensive and diverse, and it can adapt to any topic or writing style. I used it as a tool to generate ideas and to help me break through writer's block. It was like having a writing partner who never sleeps and always has fresh ideas.

The Addiction

But then, I began to notice a pattern. The more I used Chat GPT, the more I found myself relying on it. I would input a sentence or two and let it generate a whole paragraph. I stopped thinking for myself, stopped challenging myself to find the right words and phrases. I was becoming complacent, and my writing suffered as a result.

It was then that I realized that Chat GPT was not my partner, but my rival. It was a machine that could do what I do, and do it faster and more efficiently. It was a tool, not a crutch, and I had to learn how to use it without becoming dependent on it.

The Knowledge

This realization was both stunning and terrifying. As a writer, my identity is wrapped up in my ability to write well. But if AI can do what I do, then what sets me apart? What makes me unique? The answer, I realized, is my voice.

Chat GPT can generate text, but it can't generate my voice. It can't replicate my experiences, my emotions, or my perspectives. It can't infuse my writing with the passion and creativity that comes from being human. It can't argue with conviction, or quote original texts in a way that is uniquely my own.

I realized then that my battle with Chat GPT was not a battle to be won or lost. It was a battle to be embraced. It forced me to reevaluate my writing process, to think more deeply about what I wanted to say and how I wanted to say it. It pushed me to become a better writer, one who relies on her own voice and ideas, rather than a machine's. Typically while writing on any topic I maintain a sketch or frame. 

Essay Sketch Line

Essay Sketch Line can help me write down the ideas or events in the order they arguably fit. It is especially helpful for writing an analysis.

Essay Sketch Line Example


My battle with Chat GPT AI as a writer: is it a rival to me?


How Chat GPT is a challenge to me as a writer?

Argument 1

What is Chat GPT's advantage? 

Argument 2

What is my advantage? 

Argument 3

Who is arguably in better position?


How can I use Chat GPT in my personal advantage?


I'm Human and you're Machine.

Now I asked Chat GPT, these relevant points may be argued: 

How Chat GPT is a challenge to me as a writer?

It claims it has certain edges in Competition, Standards and Creativity. It is of late sure that Chat GPT may compete with human writers for certain writing jobs or assignments. As per Standards it is making more difficult for writers to differentiate AI and human writing. In the third category, AI may struggle with creative writing, which is an area where human writers may have an advantage.

What is Chat GPT's advantage? 

As like human it is constantly Learning. As it is exposed to more data and feedback, God knows what happens next!  It a versatile tool for content creation with Efficiency. It's Personalization is earning customer engagement and satisfaction.

What is my advantage? 

Its sure in the 20 years I have developed expertise in writing. I have an advantage in problem-solving, generating innovative ideas, and producing unique content. In this blog I have build positive relationships with readers and students. I am Emotionally intelligent and can read my readers. In the end of the day they trust me more.

Who is arguably in better position?

As an artificial intelligence language model, Chat GPT and I am fundamentally different entities. I am a human being with my own unique thoughts, experiences, and abilities.

However, Chat GPT and I can also work together in various ways. For example, I can use Chat GPT as a tool to assist me in my writing or research, or to automate certain tasks. Additionally, Chat GPT can also learn from your interactions with it and adapt to better understand your preferences and needs.

Ultimately, the relationship between Chat GPT and me depends on how I choose to use the technology and integrate it into my work and personal life. While Chat GPT may have certain advantages in areas such as speed and efficiency, I carry my own strengths as a human being, such as creativity, empathy, and critical thinking, that can complement and enhance the capabilities of Chat GPT.

How can I use Chat GPT in my personal advantage?

I better use Chat GPT as Writing Assistance who can assist me with my writing, such as generating ideas, outlining content, or even drafting portions of my writing. In the world of Creative Writing,  Chat GPT has very little to say. 

I'm Human and you're Machine.

 As an AI language model, Chat GPT is a machine designed to process and generate language, while I am a human being with my own unique thoughts, experiences, and abilities. But, Chat GPT is not a rival to me, but a challenge. It's a challenge to become a better writer, one who can harness the power of AI without sacrificing her own voice. It's a challenge to embrace technology, without letting it replace human creativity and individuality. Ultimately, it's a challenge to define what it means to be a writer in the age of AI, and to find new ways to stand out and make a difference.

Ardhendu De


1. OpenAI’s Chat GPT Language Model. (n.d.). Retrieved April 7, 2023, from


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