The Night Train at Deoli by Ruskin Bond ---MCQs ON "Case-based questions”

 MCQs ON "Case-based questions” 

(MCQ Case-based questions are a type of multiple-choice question that revolves around a specific case or scenario. In these questions, a narrative or situation is presented, and students are required to answer questions based on the information provided in the case. Each question typically has multiple answer options, and students need to choose the most appropriate one based on their understanding of the given scenario. These questions assess not only factual knowledge but also the ability to apply concepts, analyze situations, and make decisions within a context.)

 WBCHSE//XII//ENGLISH B//SEMESTER III// UNIT 1: Prose//The Night Train at Deoli//MCQs ON "Case-based questions” 

Instructions: Choose the answer that best fits the information in the passage.

1.What is the main character's initial reason for deciding to get off the train at Deoli?

(a) To buy a basket from the girl.

(b) To explore the town of Deoli.

(c) To show sympathy for the lonely platform.

(d) To visit his grandmother earlier than usual.

2. Why does the narrator feel compelled to hold the girl's hand during their second encounter?

(a) He wants to buy all her baskets.

(b) He doesn't want her to leave.

(c) He is trying to comfort her.

(d) He needs to pay for the train ticket.

3. What is the narrator's greatest fear about finding out what happened to the girl?

(a) She might not remember him.

(b) She might be angry with him.

(c) She might no longer be in Deoli.

(d) He might not be able to afford to help her.

4.Why does the narrator continue to travel through Deoli even though he knows the girl is likely not there?

(a) He enjoys the scenery of the town.

(b) He hopes to reconnect with his grandmother.

(c) He is obligated to visit Deoli frequently.

(d) He maintains hope of seeing the girl again.

5. What is the main theme explored in the story?

(a) The importance of punctuality on trains.

(b) The beauty of the Indian countryside.

(c) The power of first impressions.

(d) The persistence of longing and unanswered questions.

6. What detail about Deoli station suggests its isolation?

(a) It has a bustling tea stall.

(b) It boasts a variety of shops.

(c) The train only stops for ten minutes.

(d) There are always many coolies waiting.

7. How does the narrator describe the girl's initial demeanor when she approaches his window?

(a) Outgoing and talkative

(b) Confident and assertive

(c) Shy and reserved

(d) Openly flirtatious

8. What literary device is used when the narrator says, "her dark, smoldering eyes"?

(a) Simile

(b) Metaphor (This is the most likely answer)

(c) Personification

(d) Hyperbole

9. What is the significance of the train whistle blowing at the end of the narrator's second encounter with the girl?

(a) It signals the arrival of a new passenger.

(b) It creates a sense of urgency and interruption.

(c) It foreshadows a happy reunion.

(d) It marks the start of a new journey.

10. What does the narrator's final statement, "It may spoil my game," suggest?

(a) He is tired of looking for the girl.

(b) He enjoys the mystery of her disappearance.

(c) He has given up hope of finding her.

(d) He is angry with the stationmaster.

11. The story is told from the perspective of:

(a) The girl who sells baskets

(b) The stationmaster at Deoli

(c) The young man on the train

(d) A fellow passenger on the train


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