- Lollard Movement:- Originally a movement by group of Oxford followers of the unorthodox doctrines of John Wycliffe in the fourteenth century, the Lollard Movement continued till the 16th century. Their main demands were for freely available vernacular translations of the Bible, and a reduction in the materialism and power of the Catholic Church.
- Political satire written in the Restoration Period/verse satire of 17th century.
Ans:- a) Hudibras by Samuel Butler.
b) Absalom and Achitophel by
John Dryden.
- Blank verse tragedies of the Restoration Period.
Ans;- a) The Rival Queens
by Nathaniel Lee.
b) The Orphan by Thomas Otway.
- Works translated by pope from classical masters:Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey.
- Verse narrative of the Romantic Period:
Ans:- Guilt and sorrow by William
The Lay of Last minstrel by Sir
Waller Scott.
- Spenser’s marriage gift to Elizabeth Boyle:
Ans:- Epithalamion.
- Verse from of Pope in Essay on Man:
Ans:- Heroic Couplet.
- Poet Laureate: Although Ben Johnson first performed the duties of poet Laureate, officially the title of poet Laureate was first given to John Dryden.
- In which poem did Arnold denounce the ‘sick hurry and divided aim’s of modern times’ – Ans:- Scholar Gypsy.
- Abbey Theatre, located in Ireland is famous as the headquarters of Irish Theatre, and was begun by W.B. Yeats, lady Gregory and J.M. Synge as directors.
- Problem plays of Shakespeare: Measure for Measure and All’s Well that ends Well.
- Widsith means ‘wide traveller’.
- Shakespeare of Biographers –James Boswell for his life of Dr. Johnson.
- In 1698 Jeremy Collier criticized the vulgarity of Restoration Comedy of Manners in his book A short view of the immortality and profaneness of the English stage.
- French philosopher who is the father or inventor of the essay – Michael Montaigne.
- Name a play by Wordsworth which was rejected for not being stageable - Ans:- The Borderers.
- In which year the Church of England established?
Ans:- In 1584 Henry viii
established the church of England by the ‘Act of supremacy’ an become its head.
- Chaucer dedicated Troilus and Criseyde to John Gower.
- One famous comedy by Robert Greene- Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay.
- The biographical work in which Robert Greene criticized Shakespeare as ‘an upstart crow beautiful with our feather’s is Greene’s Groats-Worth of Wit Bought with a Million Repentance.
- Cura Pastoralis:- was originally written in Latin by pope Gregory and translated into English by Alfred the great.
- Browning is famous for origination a new poetic from the ‘dramatic monologue’.
- Keats urged Shelley to ‘load every rift with ore’.
- ‘If winter comes can spring be far behind’- is the last line of Shelley’s Ode to the West Wind.
- The Royal Society of London was formed in 1662, and contributed both to since and literature.
- Samuel Pepys put down intimate details of the period between 1660 and 1703 in his Diary and Memoirs.
Ref: 1. History of English Literature-
2. The Concise Cambridge History of English
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