- Correct the sentence stating error: “My son is going to the school for the past five years.”
- Which of the two sentences is correct? Why? :(i) “Dinner is at 9 p.m”(ii) “Are you altering the dinner tonight the Grand hotel”?
- Convert the following compound sentences to simple one: I. You had intervened otherwise he would have been insulted. II. He was ill; therefore, he could not come.
- Convert the following simple sentence to complex one: I worked hard for the purpose of winning a prize.
- Write a single paragraph on ‘The problem of unemployment in India’.[Within 50 to 60 words]
- What is hyperbaton?
- What is alliteration?
- Read the sentences bellow. Are the sentences correct? Explain.
(i) “Mathematics
is an important subject”. (ii) “Area of this plot land is 950 sq. feet, if my
mathematics is correct.”
- Convert the following complex sentences to simple ones :(i) Abha could go wherever she wanted. (ii) Unless God helps us we can do nothing.
- Join the following sentences: (i) I must buy the pen. I must not consider its price. ii) Sridip has some work. He has to perform them. They are important.
- Split up the following sentences: (i) In the evening when the sun was setting, the prince was seen going to the main gate that led into the place. (ii) Lying on his bed, Bruce looked up to the roof and saw a spider.
- Change the following into indirect speech: (i) He said, “Rabindranath lived here”. (ii) The teacher said, “Water can be frozen into ice”.
- Write a paragraph on ‘The position of English in India.’
- What is rhetoric?
- What is innuendo?
- Are the sentences correct? – Explain. (i) “English is spoken by a very large number of people.” (ii) “English have been a sea-faring people for many centuries.”
- Join the following sentences: (i) He hurt his foot. He stopped. (ii) It is raining heavily. I shall take a rain-coat with me.
- Split up the sentences: (i) Being in trouble, Teresa was in no talking mood and so Betty, her friend asked me to go and help her.
- (ii) It was a man who lived to worked in India who discovered that mosquitoes were the case of malaria.
- What is syllable? Ardhendu De
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