A Set of 26
Objective Questions & Answers: Textual
- What do the words ‘Astrophel’ and ‘Stella’ mean in Sidney’s sonnet?
Ans:- Literally ‘Astrophel’ means
‘one enamoured of the star’ and ‘Stella’ which is a hat in term, means ‘star’.
In the context, Sidney is
‘Astrophel’ and Penelope Deverex the daughter of the Earl of Essex, whom the
poet loved is referred to as ‘Stella’.
- To whom are the bulk of the sonnets addressed in Shakespeare’s sonnet sequence?
Ans:- Out of the one hundred and
fifty four sonnets Shakespeare addressed 126 sonnets to young man “Mr. W. H”
two sonnets are about Cupid and the remaining twenty six are addressed to an
unknown dark lady.
- What will be destroyed by the ‘bending sickles’ in Shakespeare’s sonnet – 116.
Ans:- The Shakespeare’s sonnet-116, time is compared to a ‘bending sickles’. Like sickles, time takes
away the charming hue of youth and the physical attraction along with other
things except love.
- Who is ‘death’s second self’ in Shakespeare’s sonnet – 73?
Ans:- Shakespeare compared night
with ‘death’s second self’. In night there is no light similarly a person who
is at the doorstep of death has not a single ray of hope.
- What does ‘The Lion, Angel and Lamb’ signify in Act-iii of she sloops to Conquer?
Ans:- These were the names of the
inn rooms. Instead of giving numbers of rooms of inn were given names this way
those days.
- What is meaning of ‘impediment’ in the context of Shakespeare’s sonnet – 116?
Ans:- In Shakespeare’s sonnet-116,
the word ‘impediment’ means obstacles. Shakespeare is unwilling to admit any
obstacle to the eternal attachment of minds in true love.
- What is ‘Rake’s Progress’ to which Hardcastle refers in Act-iv of ‘She Stoops to Conquer’?
Ans:- ‘The Rake’s Progress is a
famous set of prints by the artist William Hogarth depicting the progressive
ruin of young man including in the pursuit of pleasure.
- What are the ‘seven millstones’ to be lifted from ‘man’s neck’ in Major Barbara?
Ans:- The seven millstones that
are to be lifted from ‘man’s neck’ are – food, clothing, taxes, rent, children,
respectability and shelter.
- How many sonnets arte there in the ‘Amoretti’ sequence ?
Ans:- The sonnet sequence
‘Amoretti’ written by Edmund Spenser consists of 89 sonnets.
- What is a curragh?
Curragh is a small Irish fishing boat.
- What is the significance of ‘white board’ that Maurya buys?
Ans:- White symbolically
suggestive of death. The ‘boards’ bought of Maurya are to be used to make a
coffin for Michael. It also suggests Bartley’s impending death.
- Why does Spenser’s mistress call his efforts a ‘Vaine assay’?
Ans:- Spenser’s lady love told the
poet that it was indeed a foolish attempt to eternalize her, who like other
mortal beings is subject to decay and death like all other things would futile.
- Why would Donne go for a pilgrimage in his ‘song’?
Ans:- To go to visit woman who is
once true and fair will be a pilgrimage, a tour to a holy place, for John
- Who used ‘tautology’ in Mac Flecknoe’?
Ans:- Thomas Shadwell, a rivel
poet of Dryden, used tautology in his literary works.
- Mention two items used by the Aran islanders which show that they were very primitive.
Ans:- Spinning wheel and oilskins
were used by the Aran islanders which show that were very primitive.
- What
is literally meant by the word ‘Pandemonium’ in Milton’s Paradise Lost BK-I? Name the architect of the Pandemonium in Paradise
lost, BKI.
Ans:- The word ‘Pandemonium’
literally means ‘the home of all the
demons.' Mulciber was the architect
of the Pandemonium in Paradise Lost BK-1.
- which poem did Spenser compose as a wedding gift to Elizabeth Boyle?
Ans:- Spenser composed Epithlamion
as a wedding gift to Elizabeth Boyle.
- oft turning others’ leaves – Explain the pun on ‘leaves’.
Ans:- Sidney
went through the works of the other literary masters to find inspiration and
instruction for his poetic creation by following and imitating other great
- What do ‘ashes’ refer to in Sonnet No. 73?
Ans:- The word ‘ashes’ signifies
the last insignificant residue of the poet’s youthful vigour and passions.
- What is an ‘ever fixed mark’?Ans:- True love is referred to as ‘an ever fixed on ark’ since it is steady, constant and unchangeable like a beacon to a ship in the sea.
- What are ‘mermaids’?
Ans:- Mermaids are imaginary
creatures upward human and downward fish. They are belived to produce sweet
songs that soothes every one.
- Who was Mammon?
Ans:- “Mammon” is a Syria
word that means ‘riches’ or wealth. He was believed to be the God of riches.
- Who among the fallen angels came last?
Ans:- Among the fallen angles
Belial came last.
- And she also to use “new fangleness” – What is meant by “New fangleness”?
Ans:- The word “New fangleness”
means objectionable novelty that replaces something good and old. Here it
refers to the inconsistent and faithless love of those women who had pretended
to have loved the poet sincerely but left him now novelty of random love for other men.
- What is the argument of to in Spenser’s Sonnet No -75?
Ans:- Spenser’s lady love
Eligabeth Boyle admonished him for his arrogance. According to her, every
mortal being is subject to decay. So, by writing names on the sea shore would
not bring her mortality in his world.
- What does Sidney mean by ‘truant pen; in his sonnet no -1 from Astrophel and Stella?
Ans:- Sidney
was incapable of writhing poetry. Not a single word flow from his pen. Sidney
regarded his pen as truant as if it is not obeying his commands.
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