Ans:- The beloved shall ‘live by the fame’ as the poet-lover
in Amoretti will immortalize her as well as their love by means of potent poetry. She will continue to
be mentioned long after she would be physically dead. Further later generations
of lovers will be so inspired by their love as to imitate it. This would be in
a way rejuvenation of their own love.
Bacon is
pragmatic writer and his essays are Counsels: civil and moral designed
for the practical benefits of man and not for his emotional or imaginative
development. This is best evident from his statement, “To spend too much time
in studies is sloth; to use then too much for ornament, is Affectation, to make
judgment wholly by their lules is the humor of a scholar.” [Again he advises
his readers more of the business like manner – “some book are to be tested
others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.”
Ans:- Lamb’s Sundays are unhappy episodes in spite of being weekly holidays. The charm and
colour of the week days have been set aside specifically for worship which is a
serious affair. Sundays are devoid of activities – the closed shops, soundless
streets, the absence of ballad signers create a general atmosphere of gloom.
These make lamb’s Sundays exceedingly tedious, unattractive and deserted.
4. “I had more pleasure in these busy – idle diversion”-What is the meaning of the phrase busy- idle?
Ans:- Busy-idle is an oxymoron which simply means frivolous
yet engrossing. It is adapted by Horace’s ‘strenua inertia’ which means
energetic idleness. Lamb here quotes this phrase to illustrate his imaginative
flight at the beauty of the garden of
Ans:- Goldsmith’s she stoops to conquer is one of the best
and most popular comedies ever produced on the English stage. It success unlike
many other major English comedies does not merely depend upon satiric expose of
depravities in human nature and institutions but on the profusion of pure fun
and humor that abound in the play. Laughter in she stoops to conquer is mainly
derived from – comic situation, comic character and comic dialogue.
Ans:- The key point of comparison between Synge’s tragedy, Riders
to the sea and ancient Greek tragedies is the activeness of cruel and
sinister Fate and Destiny. The Aran Sea
is the sinister fate which strings the tragedy in Aran people. Next, Synge
presents the two sisters. Cathleen and Nora as chorus element implicitly. In
point of style singe follows the method of ‘stichomythia’ of Greek tragedy. It
has repeated sentences which produce the tragic tension.
Ans:- When Tony Lumpkin meets Marlow and Hastings in the
inn, he immediately geneses their identity. Next he tactfully elicits
information from then that he has been ungenerously spoken of to these new
comers and his vengeful anger, true to the spirit of comedy, is poured upon the
two visitors who fall a prey to his genius. He gives them the direction of Mr.
Hardcastle’s house but tells then that it is an inn, Mr. Hardcastle a talkative
inn keeper. The result is, of course hilarious comedy of errors.
Ans:- Bernard Shaw is an iconoclast. In nearly all his plays
he strikes hard at the root of romantic conventionalities and presents popular
romantic myths in a completely anti-romantic light. In Arms and The Man Shaw is
out to break away from the romantic beliefs accursed round the concepts of love
and war. The traditional idealistic view on war and the romantic notion of love
has been criticized in this play. Instead, Shaw favors a pragmatic view on
Ans:- We use ‘Comma’
Between coordinate clauses joined by and, but, for, and
other coordinate conjunction –
She wanted to twist her little sister’s arm, but was afraid
her mother would clobber her.
After participial phrases or dependent clauses:
Believing that his
luck would continue to hold out, the trickster sought to cheat more people.
Sentences that being with prepositions or such words as if, as, and when almost
always need a comma: It you can come to the office, please plan to be here at 11am.
Ans:- The structure of an essay is much like that of a
paragraph, except that an essay is made up many paragraphs. An essay usually
has three parts – the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. The
introduction and the conclusion are usually a paragraph each, but the body may
be made up of several paragraphs. Each paragraph in the body will have a topic idea
that expands on the essay’s thesis or main idea, using appropriate supporting
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