A Set of 26
Objective Questions & Answers
- The sub-title of Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Experience is ‘showing the two contrary states of the human soul.’
- Tales in Canterbury Tales which are Chaucer’s own: Tale of Malibeus and The Parson’s Tale.
- Frankenstein was written by Mary Shelley.
- The three principles of the French Revolution are ‘liberty, equality, and fraternity’.
- Coleridge’s Biographia Literaria means ‘literary biography’.
- Coleridge’s play – Remorse.
- Shakespeare performed in The Globe.
- Elizabethan revenge tragedies – Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Kyd’s The Spanish Tragedy.
- Poets mentioned in Dr. Johnson’s lives of the poets –Dryden, Gay, Cowley.
- Who founded “Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood”?
Ans:- In 1848 D.G. Rosette along
with the English artists William Holman Hunt, Ford Maddox Brown, and the
painter Millais formed the pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood to replace the academic
style of painting by a return of simplicity, truthfulness and the spirit of
devotion, and these came to be the attributes of the Italian artists and
painters before the time of Raphael (1483-1520).
11. Name two blank verse tragedies
of the Restoration Period.
Ans:- The two tragedies written in
blank verse are John Crown’s Caligula and Thyestes.
- Another blank verse tragedy is Dryden’s All for Love or, The World Well Lost.
- Name a prose work by Milton.
Ans:- Areopagitiea is an
important prose work by Milton.
- What is the first extant English Comedy?
Ans:- Ralph Roister Doister,
written by Nicholas Udall is the first extant English Comedy.
- Name a drama of Mathew Arnold.
Ans:- Empedocles on Etna is a
drama of Mathew Arnold.
- Who is the author of ‘Sonnets from the Portuguese’?
Ans:- Elizabeth Barrett Browning
is the author of ‘sonnets from the Portuguese’.
- What is ‘An Essay on Man’?
Ans:- “An Essay on Man” is a poem
writer by pope.
- Give the full name of Mrs. Browning.
Ans:- The full name of Browning’s
wife is Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
- Who is the author of ‘The Earthly Paradise’?
Ans:- William Morris is the author
of ‘The Earthly Paradise’.
- Which Victorian woman novelist wrote only one novel?
Ans:- Emily Bronte wrote only one
novel ‘Weathering Heights’.
- How many sisters the Bronte’s were?
Ans:- The Bronte’s were three
- Who is the author of ‘The Earthly Paradise’?
Ans:- William Morris is the author
of ‘The Earthly Paradise’.
- When was the Battle of Hastings decided?
Ans:- Battle of Hastings was
decided in the year 1066 A.D.
- Give the alternative title of Dryden’s play ‘All for love’?
Ans:- The alternative title for
the play ‘All for love’ is ‘The World well lost’.
24. Which of the English philosopher and statesman of the 16th century imagined an ideal state? Why was he executed?
Ans: The English
philosopher and statesman of the 16th century Thomas More imagined
an ideal state in Utopia which satirized British life in a story
of a mythical, perfect society. More’s moral beliefs later cost him his life;
after failing to support King Henry VIII’s break from Rome,
More is executed.
25. who Pioneered Elizabethan Drama in true sense?
Ans: English poet and dramatist Christopher Marlowe is his
innovative use of blank verse and tragic subjects in plays that will be fully
developed by Shakespeare is considered Pioneer of Elizabethan Drama.
26. Write the history of publication of King James Version of Bible?
Ans: In 1611 King James Version of Bible is Published. James I of England
commissions a revision of the English Bible, a 14th-century translation by John
Wycliffe. The King James Version, as it is called, is completed in 1611.
Ref: 1. History of English Literature-
2. The Concise Cambridge History of English
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