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'Daffodils' (I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud) by William Wordsworth: Model English Lesson Plan

  1. Introduction:

School -  XXXXXXX High School
Sub - English (poem) ; Class -
Average age - 14+ ; No at students: 30
Date   - ? Time - 40 mnt
Teacher - XXXXXX
Topic - 'Daffodils' (I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud) by William Wordsworth
Lesson units - 1. The 1st stanza 2. The 2nd stanza 3. The 3rd stanza 4. The 4th stanza
Today’s Lesson -The 1st stanza

A. Reading 
B. Comprehension
C. Vocabulary 
D. Grammar in use
E. Writing skill
F. Verbal communication.

a. To enable the students to understand to read to write and to express their fault in correct English.
b. Proper understanding at the language and spirit of the poem.
c. Listening to poetic language in its proper pronunciation stress and intonation.
d. To enable the student to get an idea about the writing skill and use in the poetic text.
e. To enable the student to get an idea about sentences and rhythmic lines at their own.

A. Knowledge - The students will be able to ---
                        a. Identify the meanings at the words in the text.
                        b. Reorganize a nature poem.
                        c. Reorganize a ballad measured
                       d. Recognize some words.
B. Comprehension - The students will be able to -----
                        a. Comprehend the meanings of the stanza as a whole.
                        b. locate specific information .
C. Application - The students will be able to ----
                        a. Use of words they have learnt in the text in new situation.
                        b. Relate them to their personal experience.
D. Psychomotor - The students will be able to ---
                        a. Read the text poetry with reasonable speed.
                        b. Communicate their feelings to their friends and the teacher in English in the class - room.

A. Usual -  Usual classroom aids like chalk duster black board pointer stick etc.
B. Specific - A picture of a lake and daffodils in its side will be used to draw the attention of the students. It will also help the students to have an idea of daffodils which are seen in our country.

By way of introduction the teacher will ask the following questions to make the students interested in the Lesson. To draw their attention and to motive them towards learning the day's lesson. At this stage he may draw a picture or draw attention of the students towards a picture. He may ask questions that help him to come to the topic. The main principle should be something old to something new from known to unknown.
            Introduction question:-
                  a. What do you see in the picture?
                  b. Where are they growing?
                 c. How do they look?
                 d. What are the flowers you like?
               e. Name a few natures. Poems either in your tongue or English you have already read?

Today we shall read the poem 'Daffodils' (I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud) by William Wordsworth. The pupils will  open their text books.

William Wordsworth (1770 -1850) was the son of lawyer. After taking his degree at Cambridge University he traveled in France. At first, he hailed the French Revolution but later he become disillusioned with its excess and violence. On his return to England, he wrote poems about the scenery and people of the English countryside. Wordsworth's genius was recognized and he was made poet Laureate in 1843.

The flowers in the picture are called Daffodils. They are golden yellow in colour . It is the miniature from of the sunflower. The colour is like that of our oleander. They grow wild in spring. Englishmen like the flowers very much.

                 One day while walking about a riverside the poet saw a large member of Daffodils shaking their heads in the wind. They spread out in a long row along the border of a lake. The Daffodils looked very happy. Later in his vacant or pensive mood the poet remember the scene and felt happy.

                                    10.  Broad Strategy

Functional communicative approach with interactive question-answer method will be adopted.

A. Background Strategy For Teachers
I. Poetic Analysis:
a) Explore the poem's structure and rhyme scheme. Notice the use of iambic tetrameter and the ABABCC rhyme scheme.
b) Examine the imagery used by Wordsworth to describe the daffodils and their impact on the speaker.
c) Analyze the poem's tone and mood. How does Wordsworth convey a sense of joy and inspiration through his words?
d) Consider the use of personification in the poem. How do the daffodils seem to come alive and have a profound effect on the speaker's emotions?

2. Nature and Romanticism:
a) Reflect on the role of nature in Wordsworth's poetry. How does he portray nature as a source of solace, inspiration, and spiritual renewal?
b) Discuss how "Daffodils" embodies the ideals of Romanticism, such as the celebration of individual experience, the importance of emotions, and the connection between humanity and the natural world.
c) Explore the theme of memory and its significance in the poem. How does the speaker's recollection of the daffodils continue to bring joy long after the actual experience?

3. Personal Connection:
a) Reflect on your own experiences with nature and how they have affected you emotionally and spiritually.
b) Consider the power of memories and how certain moments or encounters with nature can stay with us and bring us comfort in times of need.
c) Share any personal anecdotes or reflections that relate to the themes and emotions expressed in "Daffodils."

4. Influence and Legacy:
a) Investigate the poem's enduring popularity and its impact on subsequent generations of readers.
b) Research how "Daffodils" has been referenced or alluded to in other works of literature, music, or visual art.
c) Discuss the poem's resonance in contemporary society and its relevance in an increasingly urbanized and technologically-driven world.

B. Forward Presentation by Teachers at Classroom Situation
Step 1.

Learning items: stage- 1 Loud reading of the poem by the teacher with proper pause, stress, intonation and emotion.
Teacher's behaviour:  The teacher will not hold text book in hand.
He will look at the student and recite the poem. If necessary, teacher will repeat the same lesson instructions.
Learner’s behaviour: The students will listen to and follow the teacher attentively                                                                                                                                                         
    Step 2
Learning items: Stage -2 loud reading of the poem by the students.
Teacher's behaviour:  The teacher will listen to the students and if necessary ask them to read again. At to be active enough to note whether any student fails the poem properly .The teacher will make necessary correction.                                                                                      Learner’s behaviour: The students will read   aloud and seek teacher's  help if necessary. 
Step 3.
Learning items: Stage -3 silent reading by the students.               
Teacher's behaviour:  The teacher will ask the students to read silently for a few minutes and mark the    words and phrases unknown to them.                                   
Learner’s behaviour:   The student will read silently and do accordingly.

Step 4. 
Learning items: Stage - 4 teaching word meanings as   a means of meaning of the text .The following words seem to be new to be new to the students.     
Teacher's behaviour: The teacher will ask them meaning of the words. 
Interested student must guess. They must be encouraged even if they fail to guess. Then teacher will write down the meaning of the words on the black - board. This point the teacher may bring in the intervention of the mother tongue if necessary:
wandered - walked about                                     
lonely-without companion                                                                                                          vales - vally .                                                                         
breeze - gentle wind .          
beneath- under.                                                                                                                             Learner’s behaviour: The student will be alert and active enough to take down the meaning and form their own expression and thoughts.              

Step 5. 
Learning items: stage - 5 Telling stanza as a whole                                                      Teacher's behaviour: one day the poet was - - -             
Learner’s behaviour: The students will listen the meaning and illustration of the verse lines attentively. 

           The teacher will use the writing board to write ----------
               a. The meaning of the words
               b. Some specific information from the text. 
           The following questions will be asked in order to ascertain how far the pupils have understood and appreciate the poem ----------
             a. why does the poet compare himself to a cloud ?
             b. what did he see beside the lake ?
             c. How did they look?    
              d. Read out the lines which express that the daffodils were moving gently in the breeze.
              e pick out the words which rhythm with each .
The pupils will be asked to reproduce in their own words the substance of the stanza. If interested, they can also draw pictures of daffodils at mountain.

Note: The teacher will always remember to support students' ideas with evidence from the poem itself and any additional input. By engaging with these suggestions, the student can delve deeper into the themes and emotions encapsulated in Wordsworth's "Daffodils" and gain a greater appreciation for its significance in the world of poetry.

  Ardhendu De  


  1. Dear Mr Ardhendu De, Having noticed Daffodils on your blog, I wanted to say that I too learned the poem as a boy in Mumbai. I now live in UK and it's such a pleasure to see the flower each spring. I was inspired to set the poem to music. Here is a Youtube link:
    I would be very happy if you shared it with your students! Warm regards and best wishes, Rajesh David

    1. It's really really a great pleasure to me listening from you. I am an English teacher and I was looking resources on this poem in order to use with my students. I am very excited to share this song with my students this week.

  2. Thanks Rajesh for Sharing your experience.... congrds! for your sweet note.. i have downloaded your rhythm and many of my students will do so...Good Lk!

  3. this lesson plan is very interesting and hepful for me to understand the DAFFODILS

  4. I have learned from a science magazine that Daffodil bulbs contain alkaloids that may, if eaten, produce severe digestive upset. Thanks God, Wordsworth is an artist not an herbalist.


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