Level: Post Graduation
Time: 1hr
Each Question: Word Limit: 30
- What is a perfectly free person? – How does Shaw answer this question?
- These natural job can not be shirked – What natural jobs are referred to by the speaker in this line?
- What, according to Shaw, should be the object of all honest governments?
- But the newspapers assure you that you vole has decided the election and than this constitutes you a free citizen’s– Where does the sentence occur and what does it mean in its context?
- The slavery of man to man is the very opposite of this. It is hateful to the body and to the spirit – Where does this pan age occur and what does it signify?
- …………………..We are told that all our miseries are our own doing? How are all our miseries our own doing?
- How is Nature, according to Shaw, kind to her slaves?
- What were meant by the Factory Acts? The wages Boards and the New Deal? How did Shaw look at them?
- You are taught that they are atheists and libertines, Murders and scoundrels – Who are they? Why are they called so?
- How did the enfranchised women exercise their franchise as stated by Shaw?
- Nature may have tricks up her sleeve to cheek us if the chemists exploit her too greedily – Where does the line occur? What does it mean?
- And the workers would be the first to perish – When and why would the workers perish?
- Iago’s advice is not very practical – Who is Iago? What is his advice? Why is it not very practical?
- I will therefore, leave you with a conundrum to think over – Where does it occur? What does mean in its contexts?
15. Is Shaw denying the true freedom in philosophical sense?
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