For a few days I was just wandering about a new post of technicality of answering rather than the answers to the topic. I was wandering least knowing myself, my students and their answers. Truly, the passage through the answers of my students teaches me many things that I like to share to enlighten a little:
Among various recent trends in the literature profession, teaching and freelance writing are the most widespread. Today, many literature students, like would –be- doctors and lawyers, are more professional than wayfarer. Professionally successful literature students are required for construction of lucid and commercial sentence structures, especially installations where public interest is a consideration. The trend in modern literature students is overwhelmingly toward modernization. Internet is increasingly used for solving complex problems as well as for handling, storing, and generating the enormous volume of data modern students must work with.
So, Studying the technicality of answering can provide valuable insights into effective communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking. Here are some key areas we can explore:
1. Clarity and Conciseness:
2. Structure and Organization:
3. Relevance and Depth:
4. Persuasion and Argumentation:
5. Adaptability and Context:
6. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving:
Let’s examine an answer of my fellow student of the question “Do you find The Rime of The Ancient Mariner a myth?”
“The Ancient Mariner is a myth of behavioral revolution. It presents in an unusual and lively picture of us from certain issues with which we are all familiar and forces us to look a fresh at them. By crating an impossible story in impossible conditions, The Ancient Mariner draws attention to neglect or undiscovered truths. And this Coleridge believed to be the task of the poetry. In Ancient Mariner he shapes symbols into a consistent whole and subordinates them to a single plan with the result that his poem is in the first place story which we enjoy for its own sake, but in the second place a myth about a dark and troubling crisis in the human soul. The Ancient Mariner is myth of guilt and redemption, but, of course, it is also much more. Coleridge here introduced of crime theme a new dimension and revolutionized the field by applying methods of analysis. By introducing Modernization theory he explored the conditions for economic and political development of every individual from a “traditional” to a “modern” society.”
In analyzing his answer I have got few interesting points to note:
- He did not write primarily in answering the question but in compelling the question critical itself.
- The answer consists mostly of the perspective of a man leading from simple to complex society.
- The method of his answering is of a more scientific sort. Scientific checks and argumentative methods of the convincing, rather than the persuasive, have been applied to critical opinion. Clearly the new emerging facts of any established branch of knowledge might be applied to opinions to explore a text.
Every answer grows rich by time, but very little answer, very rare answer becomes enlightening. You love compelling and you can go on compelling too much. Then it becomes a pain. It was pleasure in the beginning, but there is a limit to that pleasure. Don’t go absurd, abstract, unseen, unscratched- hazy, intolerant.
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