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Model Question Paper: Poetry: Difficulty Level: Graduation

 Difficulty Level: Graduation        Time: 1hr 30 Mnt

 1. Answer any ten questions. one or two sentences                         

  1. On which date Dover Beach was written?
  2. What is the overwhelming question by prufrock?
  3. What is Ilion?
  4. Give an example of Wordsworth’s pantheistic creed?
  5. What does Shelley wish to be in Ode To The West Wind?
  6. What is called inscape?
  7. What is the ‘truth untold’ spoken by the soldier?
  8. Geraldine is violating the chastity of christable- Do you agree?
  9. Where from Rosette copy the vision of Heaven in his poem?
  10. Have two examples of God’s Grandeur (Hopkins)?
  11. What is the ‘Psychological moment’ in My last Duchess?
  12. Give an example of Hopins use of compression.
2. Answer any five questions.    30 words           

            a.     Why does the poet talks of michelanglo in Prufrot?
            b.    What is the location of the poem My last Duchess?
            c.    What is ‘sea of faith’?
            d.    Why is the sad floor of Chillon an altar?
            e.    Release me and restore me to the ground – Who says and why?
f.     I have been half in love with easeful death- Why has the poet been in love with death?

3. Explain with context (any four)    50 words

  1. And we are here, as on a darkling plain Swept with confused alarms of struggle of flight,
    Where ignorant armies dark by night.
  1. …………..That time is past   And all its aching rays are now no more, 
      And all its dizzy raptures.
  1. Forlorn! The very word is like a bell.To toll me back from thee to my sole self.
  1. The sun is behind me.Nothing has changed since I began
    My eyes has permitted no change
    I am going to keep things like this.
    e. Their country conquers with their
      And Freedom’s fame finds wings on
                                  Every wind.

 4. Poetic term (any two)     30 words     

Elegy, Aestheticism, stream of consciousness, objective correlative, symbolism.


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