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Model Question Paper For Poetry: Entrance Examination

                       Poetry        Model Question Paper          Time- 2hr.

Difficulty Level: Graduation
1. Answer any two question:- 600 words                        

a. What is the theme of Shakespeare’s Sonnet No. 65?
b. What conventional line is Shakespeare following in Sonnet No. 130?
c. Discuss The Sun Rising as a typical metaphysical love lyric. What is called metaphysical conceit?
d. Gray’s Elegy Written in a Country churchyard is a transitional poem – discuss. Comment on the conclusion of the poem.
e. What are the heroic qualities portrayed in Satan’s character in Paradise Lost BKI ? In what way Satan claims to be equal to God and in what way he is inferior?
f. How far do you agree in saying that The Rape of The Lock is the characteristic picture of the 18th century? Name two contemporary of pope?

2. Explain with reference to the context (any two)  :-  

a. "And when this dust falls to the urn,
In that state I came, return."

b. "And yet by heaven, I think my love as rare,
As any she belied with false compare."

c. "The grave’s a fine and private place,
But none I think do there embrace."

d. "What  through the field be lost?
All is not lost- the unconquerable will,
And study of revenge, immortal hate, 
And courage never to submit or yield;"

3. Indentify and explain any two rhetoric:-              

Invention, Nature’s child, Fled step-dame study’s blows.

4. Answer any five short questions   :- One or two sentences

a. Define a false comparison from Sonnet 130 by Shakespeare?

b. What is called ‘Bright shoots of everlastingness’ (The Retreat) ?

c. What is called 'carpe diem’ theme (To His Coy-mistress)?

d. Why does the speaker in To His Coy-mistress mention Ganges and Humber?

e. Which can mike ‘a Heaven of Hell, a hell of heaven’(Paradise Lost BKI)?
    How is it possible?

f. In which edition supernatural machinery was reinforced in The Rape Of The Lock? What might be the source of this?

Ref:1. Wikipedia
         2. IGNOU Study Guide


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